Download the MSP Growth Roadmap to

Create Your Marketing and Sales System

You have a process for everything except lead generation and sales. You’d love to help more clients, but marketing is a foreign language (and you’re probably afraid of getting ripped off by a marketing agency). I’ve got you covered! Download my MSP Growth Roadmap that gives you 3 simple stages to help you grow.

Grab My MSP Growth Roadmap

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Need A Systematic Way To Grow Your Business?

Cybersecurity sales used to be hard…

But not anyore!

You have a process for everything except sales. Sales feels hard to you because you’re not a natural salesperson. You’d love to help more clients, but you think in flowcharts and workflows. My sales flowchart is the only one designed for techy, logically brained people to understand.

Grab My Book

Need coaching?

The Business Areas We Focus On


Achieve repeatable and predictable sales success through Jennifer’s 3-Step sales process, sales gap recipe, and objection handling matrix.


Never worry about your lead flow again with Jennifer’s scalable magic playbook, what-why-how video strategy, and foundational building blocks.



Ensure you reach your full potential with consistent focus through a weekly check-in with Jennifer to keep you on target, a productivity system to crush your goals, and Jennifer’s painless decision-making matrix.

Recurring Revenue

Scaling your MSP requires that you know and nail your profit margins. Learn how to create recurring revenue with a maximum profitability formula, C-Suite buying triggers, and a clear path to profitable growth.

Time Savers

Work on your business, not in your business. Learn how to effectively manage your time with a scalable SOP system, priority management system, and weekly optimization framework.

If you worry about where your next client is coming from, let’s chat.

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