Your Sales Sherpa

Her credentials include:

  • Has built numerous multi-million dollar internal divisions as well as robust and profitable companies
  • Best-selling author on Amazon and Audible
  • Award-winning speaker
  • Graduate of both CharTec Sales Lab and the Sandler Sales Academy
  • Member of the CompTIA Emerging Tech Council

Has worked with legends such as:

  • Dan Kennedy, Founder of Magnetic Marketing and NY Times Best-Selling Author

  • Darren Hardy, Success Mentor and NY Times Best Selling Author

  • If you want to get to know her more, here are some personal things:

  • Devoted wife and mother of three boys

  • Loves to travel out west from her east coast home
  • A Marvel fan girl
  • Serious board game competitor

Ready to Grow?

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“Helped Us Generate Leads Worth At Least $7,000 Per Month!”

“When you think of all the people that you could hire to build a new, or kick your existing sales team into shape- giving you the skills, systems, knowledge, accountability, and honest feedback, that will rocket your business forward, you would be a FOOL not to hire Jennifer Bleam and MSP Sales Revolution. If you are looking for a person to let you off easy and give you the feel good advice you think you want to hear, Jennifer is the wrong hire. However, if you want a bootcamp style, get stuff done fast and right approach to learning how to market your MSP and cybersecurity services, Jennifer MUST be your first hire. We run a highly niched, nationwide, cyber security driven MSP service for chiropractors. I simply let her listen to one of my sales calls, filled her in on our USP and our offerings to chiros and she took that and ran with it. She helped us put a first class event/booth together and then helped us sell and generated leads worth at least ~$7K a month in new revenue when we close them. She will challenge your paradigms and help you think through the decisions you made and determine if they are the best path. The only way you go wrong is to NOT pick up the phone and call her now!”

Dan McCoy
CEO of Micro Enterprises LLC and

Cybersecurity sales used to be hard…

But not anyore!

You have a process for everything except sales. Sales feels hard to you because you’re not a natural salesperson. You’d love to help more clients, but you think in flowcharts and workflows. My sales flowchart is the only one designed for techy, logically brained people to understand.

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