…but not anymore!
Selling was already challenging enough.
Most Managed Service Providers slog their way through sales because they know their services will bring value to their clients. But now that cybersecurity has become a mandatory concern for all businesses, the world of sales is even more uncertain.
What value does managed security bring when there’s no way to promise ROI? How do you convince small business owners to part with their hard-earned revenue when they don’t feel vulnerable to a cyberattack? What is the best way to mitigate your clients’ risk without feeling dishonest or using slimy sales tactics? And could someone please demystify sales and make it easy?
This book is the answer to all those questions and more. Forged in the steel of real-world MSP successes and failures, you’ll learn how to sell cybersecurity, simply and easily – even for the techiest tech in the industry.

Jennifer Bleam, The Author
Jennifer Bleam is an award-winning speaker and respected leader, having coached over 2,000 MSPs on marketing and sales best practices. She helps MSPs master the art of cybersecurity sales quickly, easily, and profitably.
Reader Reviews
“Simple, Actionable”
There is zero doubt that cybersecurity is the biggest opportunity in our industry today. This book presents cybersecurity sales in a simple, actionable way, so that any MSP can begin their cybersecurity journey, without excuses. This book will arm you with the process you need to close these valuable, and much needed, sales.
Jay Ryerse CISSP, VP
Global Security Sales, ConnectWise
“Terrific Job”
Intuitively, I knew that selling cybersecurity was different than selling managed services. But until reading this book, I didn’t understand how different they really are. Jennifer does a terrific job articulating how different these sales are, why discovery is so important when selling cybersecurity, and why you will fail if you try to sell cybersecurity using the same tactics and benefits of selling your managed services. This is a must read if you want to be uber successful getting your customers (and prospects) to pay extra for the security they need.
Mark Winter
Rapid Fire Tools
“An MSP Can Thrive From The Advice!”
I am not sure which word is most important in the title of this book. Simplified – Jennifer does a supreme job of reducing this topic to the critical and actionable components. Cybersecurity – this is very consumable and therefore easy to share with prospects Selling – pages of action items to improve your practice. Any salesperson could learn from this book – an MSP can thrive from the advice!
Marnie Stockman, CEO
Lifecycle Insights
“Fast Paced And Easy To Understand”
This book speaks the MSP language, so you will read examples that make sense to you! It isn’t Jennifer saying, “There is one way to sell.” She brings together the best of breed of sales methodologies to help you. It’s fast paced, easy to understand and an incredible resource for anyone looking to improve their sales game—which means everyone should read it!
Matt Solomon
Channel Program
“Skyrocket Your Close Rate”
If you aren’t closing at least 7 out of 10 prospects you’re pitching cyber security services to, you need to read this book. Jennifer lays out where you’re going wrong, and the proven process to skyrocket your close rate and your MRR.
Leia T Shilobod, IT Princess of Power
InTech Solutions, Inc.
“Exactly What MSPs Need”
Most MSPs I’ve spoken to over the past decade struggle with sales. As cybersecurity threats grew, the sales challenge became even more difficult. This book is exactly what MSPs need to crack the cybersecurity sales code. Jennifer is an amazing sales pro, and her advice on how to sell cybersecurity is spot on and highly actionable.
Brian Freistat
Vertical Axion
“From Commodity To Trusted Advisor”
Jennifer applies tried and true principals of sales and sales management that cross over directly into cybersecurity sales. Following frameworks for sales and following frameworks for cybersecurity delivery with your partners have corollaries rooted in maturity that it will take to cross the chasm from commodity to trusted advisor.
Matt Lee
“A Must Read!”
Jennifer’s book is pure gold! It is truly a step-by-step playbook for MSPs to master the art of selling cybersecurity. Many books are generic sales guides, but Jennifer’s is targeted at MSPs and selling cybersecurity. It was so good I was literally taking notes as I read page after page. This is a MUST READ for all MSPs. Well done!
Art Gross, CEO
Breach Secure Now
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