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727 Why Every MSP Needs to Focus on Nurturing Leads
Jennifer Bleam of MSP Sales Revolution challenges conventional wisdom on MSP marketing and sales strategies. She offers a fresh perspective on nurturing leads, setting realistic goals, and creating customized marketing plans for MSPs of all sizes.

The Close is the Natural Culmination of a Really Good Conversation
Troubleshooting skills can be applied to sales and marketing to identify and solve challenges. A sales system and marketing framework are essential for MSPs to achieve growth. The close of a sales call should be a natural culmination of a good conversation.

Key Ingredients To Refine Your Sales Process & Closing More Sales
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Are you ready to transform the way you approach your sales game? Our special guest, Jennifer Bleam from MSP Sales Revolution joins Rialto Marketing podcast. She’s giving actionable insights that will not only refine your sales process but will significantly up your closing rates. So, if you’ve been yearning for that secret sauce to turn prospects into paying clients, you’re in the right place!

IT Nation – Post Event Debrief
Join me for this special livestream where you can discover all the buzz from IT Nation without the travel and time away from the office. As a bonus, you’ll learn about Guardz and how they help MSPs reduce costs and stop breaches. My guest, Dor Eisner: CEO, Guardz.
How MSPs can close more cybersecurity leads
Most MSPs want to become more cybersecurity-focused. But they aren’t quite sure where to start. If you’re feeling that way, it’s not your fault. Vendors in the security space are multiplying quickly, and most of them use messaging that is confusing and filled with enterprise-level security jargon. Once you build a solid security package, you then have to sell that premium package at a premium price to small businesses with little respect for security (and who have even less of a budget.)
Tech Entrepreneur, Author, and Sales Guru Shares Her Secret to Sales with Founder Jennifer Bleam
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MSP Sales Revolution’s Owner and Founder, Jennifer Bleam, joins Coruzant Technologies for the Digital Executive podcast. She shares the secret to her career and business. These are – continual learning and being willing to jump into the uncomfortable. She is touted as having the best sales approach for Cybersecurity and MSPs.
How to Win at Selling Cybersecurity & Backup for MSPs
Comet Backup & Jennifer Bleam have teamed up to bring you tips on how to improve your MSP sales pitches! In this webinar you’ll learn how to help your prospects understand the value of your cybersecurity and backup offerings.
Cybersecurity Sales for MSPs – Why Build it If You Can’t Sell It
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Strong cybersecurity is crucial for businesses of all sizes today. But many businesses are unaware of the risks or simply don’t think the likelihood of an attack is very high. MSPs know better. However, many MSPs struggle to get the message across to their prospects. The result is a prospect left unprotected and the MSP losing a sale. Join Jennifer Bleam to learn simple techniques MSPs can use to help their prospects understand the risks while building a trust-based relationship.
How Cybersecurity Can Save Your MSP
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If you’ve been an IT service provider for more than seven years, you probably remember the transition from break-fix to managed services. That transition was a time of tremendous opportunity. Rather than sporadic income and anxiously waiting for the phone to ring, you were able to obtain the holy grail: recurring monthly revenue.
Growing A Young Business In The Midst Of A Pandemic
Now, let’s talk a little bit about my company and how I’ve grown it. When I first started, I started out simply – with one-on-one coaching and consulting. I worked individually with my clients, sometimes just the owner and myself; sometimes privately with a salesperson or small team; and other times with half a dozen members of the executive team.
From Fighting Imposter Syndrome To Best Selling Author
I often see people get elevated into a role where they naturally perform far above average. For me it’s sales. For someone else, it might be accounting. For another person, it might be healthcare. And because we do that thing well, we forget that other people don’t do it so well and that it doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
Become A Time Management Wizard
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One of the best ways to absorb information is to read. Whether it’s books, podcasts, or even transcripts of training events, READING is key. But what if there was a way to absorb this information faster?
Enter speed reading. Speed reading is a technique that is the ultimate time saver. Most of us learn to read in elementary school. Once our brains mature, it could be time to upgrade the reading mechanism. That’s exactly what speed reading does. In this podcast, Jennifer Bleam shares how this new skill is helping to shape her goals and consume even more content.
How To Handle Curveballs In Business
I encourage my clients constantly to step into the uncomfortable. If they want to grow, they need to try new things and stretch themselves. And sometimes they grumble…while they execute. Anytime you step into something new, you’re presented with a great opportunity for improvement and growth.
MSP Sales Process Framework
In cybersecurity, you hear a lot about people, process, and technology. And so I’m playing with this model that MSPs can sink their teeth into: We have to market to create leads. Then we need to close those leads. So, we’ve got marketing; we’ve got sales;and we have service delivery. (And service delivery is dealing with the pesky clients: the ones that send in silly tickets and we have to smile and deal with them. But those clients are our bread and butter. They keep the lights on. So, we close the tickets and – if we’ve done service delivery correctly – we can upsell and cross-sell to those existing clients. (And of course, we have the administrative side of things to make this all work.)
Cybersecurity: Mandatory Requirement; Not Optional
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So obviously there needs to be a sale in there that needs to be a markup and there needs to be margin there and, and some profit. I love making it required. Here’s the challenge. And again, there is this threshold, and this is part of why the clients that I work best with are above the half million-dollar mark. It’s very, very easy for me to say, “Hey Vince, just make it required.” But if you only had 40 clients and you didn’t have lead flow. And I said, “well, just make it required.” If they say no, then you politely or not. So, politely let them leave. Invite them to seek an MSP elsewhere.
Cybersecurity Sales Book for More Bookings
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There are two arguments you must make to close a cybersecurity sale. Picture yourself standing before a judge; you’re the attorney; you must to prove your case. This will be done primarily during the discovery part of your sales call. You’ll also make the arguments during the beginning of your appointment, where you’re chatting with your prospect.
The Right Way To Perform Discovery
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When the MSP salesperson walks in to a sales call, the prospect mentions this bump in the road, this little divot, if you will, that has caused them to call the MSP. It could be, “I don’t feel important anymore,” or, “I’m having trouble with connecting to the internet,” or, “My line of business application isn’t working,” or, “I can’t print.” The irony is that this problem is MASSIVE in the eyes of the prospect. But in reality, it should be the least of their worries.
2 Winning Arguments For More Cybersecurity Sales
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Selling cybersecurity is risk mitigation. It’s not promising that you’ll never get breached. It’s not promising bulletproof security. It is stating, “We will mitigate your risk. We are going to reduce your risk.”
How To Sell Cybersecurity Solutions Easily
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There are several reasons why IT professionals struggle to sell cybersecurity. Sometimes there is a mistaken belief that business owners don’t really need “that much” protection. And if someone tries to sell something that the prospect doesn’t really need, you’ll feel sleazy. This is particularly true when an MSP hasn’t been through a security incident themselves or helped a client resolve an attack.
Cybersecurity Mindset and Profit
Sometimes, it can be challenging dealing with clients. Perhaps a client just added a new employee. They call you today, and they expect you to come tomorrow to deploy a new machine. That feels completely unrealistic to you. Or, despite your best efforts, your client refuses to use multi-factor authentication. Your frustration is real! But you should always try to understand what is happening in your client’s world.
Special: The Most Valuable Piece Of Business Advice
A large panel of industry experts join Paul to share the most valuable piece of business advice they’ve ever been given
From ‘jumping in with two feet’ to ‘ensuring true compensation for skills’, the panel have tons of invaluable advice to share.
How The Power Of Focus Will Grow Your Business
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Owning a business means there are always broken things to fix. People, process, systems – they each need improvement in some way. Therefore, you must focus on the correct things, or you’ll be spinning in circles, not driving toward your ideal business.
Largest Cybersecurity Facebook Group
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In this Facebook group, you get answers to your burning sales or marketing questions. Learn to sell cybersecurity confidently (and profitably) by listening to my Live events with industry experts, watch my videos, and learn from your peers.
How To Secure Your Work From Home Clients
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A year ago, the entire globe was thrust into a work from home environment nearly overnight. It’s now clear that working from home is the new norm, at least for some portion of your clients and their employees. Business leaders like Robert Herjavek have said that they will be liquidating some real estate and plan to encourage work-from-home opportunities where possible. And even Forbes has said that work-from-home is here to stay.
Using FBI Data Effectively In Your Security Conversations
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SMBs might think they’re too small to be a target, but MSPs know better. In this webinar, Jennifer Bleam from MSP Sales Revolution joins Vade to discuss how to use the FBI’s latest Internet Crime Report (IC3) to educate SMBs about the realities of cybercrime and why ignoring them could harm their businesses.
Cybersecurity Objection Handling
In this training webinar, you’ll learn not only how to defuse the most common objections your prospects give you, but you’ll also learn several frameworks (or patterns) to help you handle new objections.
The Compliancy Guys – The Art of Selling Cybersecurity
Take a listen to this Clubhouse Chat, featuring The Compliancy Guys, VITAL Tech Services, and Jennifer Bleam.
The Difference Between IT Support And Cybersecurity
You don’t need a gun or a knife to rob someone these days because everything is done online now. Data is stored everywhere and is way more important than it used to be. During this episode Jennifer Bleam of MSP Sales Revolution talks with Barb Paluszkiewicz CDN Technologies about The Difference Between IT Support and IT Security. Cyber Security. It’s all about function and protection of your data, your people, your money and your business.
Cybersecurity Sales (unscripted conversation)
Thanks to Steve Taylor for hosting me on his RocketMSP podcast. We talked about what it looks like to be successful in the cybersecurity space and how long that should take. (Hint: my 8 week process saves about a year or more, as opposed to going solo.) You’ll learn how smaller (and larger) MSPs can both be successful salespeople, and I share some great tips of time management.
Stop “Dealing With” Clients: Work/life balance for MSPs
Not all time is equal, especially the time you spend with clients. Yes they’re the life-blood of your business, but you really need to spend less time dealing with them on a day-to-day basis. So you can focus more of your attention on growing your business. This week Paul explains how exactly you can do this and why it will improve your work/life balance
How To Sell Cybersecurity To Your SMB Clients
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Learning how to run your computer repair business is easier than you think! Listen to the podcast where we discuss the ins and outs of computer repair.
Don’t Fear Selling Cybersecurity — Here’s Why
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With all the frightening headlines you see every day, cybersecurity is no longer just an option for MSPs, VARs and other channel partners to sell. The number of security vendors, unanswered questions and lack of clarity on how to offer this valuable service can feel scary, but it doesn’t have to be. That being said, the onset of COVID-19 has presented even more challenges for cybersecurity providers.
A Crazy-Simple Sales Process
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HERE’S ONE THING that you must have in order to build your business: sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re offering traditional IT services or advanced cybersecurity solutions. It doesn’t matter if you generate hundreds of qualified leads every year. What does matter is your ability to close a sale. If you cannot make a sale, your business doesn’t grow. Here is a simple three-step process to help you close more sales.
The Top 4 Security Mistakes MSPs Make
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The growing number of cyber threats across the globe have caused many IT service providers to strengthen their security posture. Despite this positive trend, there are some chronic problems that plague countless MSPs. Luckily, most of these are simple to remedy.
How To Overcome Any Sales Objection
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If you are in a sales role, you’ve experienced this situation: you just attempted to close a sale and you heard what almost every salesperson dreads: AN OBJECTION. You know that if you can’t overcome the objection, you’ll likely lose the sale.
How Even The Most Techie Tech Can Win At Sales
Learning how to run your I.T. Business is easier than you think! Listen to the podcast where we discuss different ways to run your business.
4 Predictions About Managed Security
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In the year ahead, cybersecurity will continue to impact the channel in new ways. Some of these changes will be exciting and will represent significant revenue opportunities for the early adopters. Other changes are downright frightening, for the community and the global economy.
Why You Need to Focus on Cybersecurity in 2020
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We’re early into 2020, and it seems like security breaches are becoming more frequent. I’m sure many of you have already seen this headline: Microsoft Security Shocker As 250 Million Customer Records Exposed Online! As you know, Microsoft can afford the best cybersecurity in the world. If they can be hacked, what makes everyone else think they are safe?
Super Easy Prospecting That Any MSP Can Do
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People, me included, over think prospecting. I think I need a system and get in my own head. Many times, the truth is it’s just fear of hearing ‘No’. So, I make up all sorts of reasons not to start. Sound familiar?
“Lessons Not Losses” with Special Guest Jennifer Bleam
In this episode of The Wealthy Consultant Podcast, host Mike Walker sits down with Jennifer Bleam, a VIP member of the Wealth Consultants, to delve into the intricacies of sales, marketing, and personal growth.

727 Why Every MSP Needs to Focus on Nurturing Leads
Jennifer Bleam of MSP Sales Revolution challenges conventional wisdom on MSP marketing and sales strategies. She offers a fresh perspective on nurturing leads, setting realistic goals, and creating customized marketing plans for MSPs of all sizes.