Earn $350 by
Referring a Friend!
Hi there! This is the place to be if you know someone who needs help growing their MSP! We can help them with great sales coaching as well as marketing advice and direction!
How It Works:
Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for you to connect us with people you think we might be able to help — and get paid for it!
You refer a friend to us.
We enroll them.
You get a $350 gift card!
Two Ways to
Refer to Us
Make an email introduction.
Make intro to jennifer at MSPSalesRevolution.com
(Here’s an example)
“Hi Jennifer! I was just talking to [friend name] and your name came up.
I mentioned that he/she wants to improve their close rate/grow his business/systemize their sales. I thought maybe you could help with that.”
Set up an interview in your community.
We would love to collaborate with members of your online community. Just send us an email with the following.
““Hey Jennifer! My name is [YOUR NAME]. Can we set up a training for my community (or my clients)? I’d love to have you help them understand <topic>. Here’s the link to my calendar [LINK]”